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أولئك الذين يملكون قلوبًا مليئة بالمحبة، تكون أياديهم دائمة ممدودة حين نصغي بصدق، علينا أن نتوقع أن ما نسمعه قد يغيرنا كنت انت التغير الذي تريد أن تراه بالعالم انت قوي بما يكفي لتتحمل و تتجاوز ما تمر به اليوم لا يمكن أن تصلح نفسك بأن تكسر غيرك كل الأمور الصالحة هي من عند الله يقدمها للبشر بقوته الإلهية وقدراته ويقوم بتوزيعها لمساندة الإنسان فإننا لا نبلغ إلى الغاية بغير إرادتنا، ولكنها (ارادتنا) لا تستطيع أن تصل هذه الغاية ما لم تنل المعونة الإلهيّة الصلاة التي ترتفع في قلب إنسان تفتح أبواب السماء المجد لك يا من أقمت صليبك جسراً فوق الموت، تعبر عليه النفوس من مسكن الموت إلى مسكن الحياة إن عناية الله أوضح من الشمس وأشعتها، في كل مكان في البراري والمدن والمسكونة، على الأرض وفي البحار أينما ذهبت تسمع شهادة ناطقة بهذه العناية الصارخة
السلام عليكم , ..زائرنا الكريم._.للمشاركه في المنتدي ينبغي عليك التسجيل ..اولا
اسم المستخدم: كلمة المرور: تذكرني
لرد على الشبهات الوهمية الشيطانية حول الكتاب المقدس و العقيدة المسيحية بشكل عام, التي يذكرها المعترض الغير المؤمن او اي من مواقع الجهل , و نحن نرد بالنعمة منطلقين من مبدأ: مُسْتَعِدِّينَ دَائِماً لِمُجَاوَبَةِ كُلِّ مَنْ يَسْأَلُكُمْ عَنْ سَبَبِ الرَّجَاءِ الَّذِي فِيكُم ْ(بطرس1 3 : 15) واثقين بكل يقين ان روح الله يعمل فينا للرد و التكلم: لأَنْ لَسْتُمْ أَنْتُمُ الْمُتَكَلِّمِينَ بَلْ رُوحُ أَبِيكُمُ الَّذِي يَتَكَلَّمُ فِيكُمْ (متى 10 : 20)
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الموضوع: Diablo 3 : Crit flow Master fitted build introduct

Diablo 3 : Crit flow Master fitted build introduct 10 سنوات 11 شهور مضت #142

  • dawndickson
  • dawndickson's الصورة الرمزية
Diablo 3 : Crit flow Master fitted build introduction
The current purgatory ACT3, mages mainstream BUILD snakes Blizzard flow to this school because of the secret can limit can only be used with the trait skills or do not plus offensive skills, resulting in this genre more than kites, injury.
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Although adapt to the now wasteland rhythm, but in the case of all equipment is getting better, is not suitable for the higher the efficiency the better the farm, Diablo is the essence of FARM not it.
Diablo and World of Warcraft Mage, high damage skills by the Secretariat to limit, leading to rapid gains can only be the perfect embodiment of the qualities skills (Viper) who crit are not limited income, diablo 3 gold although in the case of low-crit damage less than rapid.
When crit damage increase to a certain extent, the crit with crit back to blue suits and non-Trait skills build the DPS gain will far exceed the rapid.
The crit Exile Packing:
Keywords: crit chance, crit damage, crit back to the secret.
Able to provide two or more of the above property and equipment. No authority (the maximum value of the landlord (in addition to gloves crit and crit damage, re-edit)
Sources, they will not)
Crit damage the main source of weapons and jewelry.
Crit rate wide variety of sources, in addition to the above equipment, wrist and gloves can also provide decent crit.
Crit back only wand, deputies and Cabalist special hat can provide.
The attribute basic requirements, crit chance of not less than 30%. Crit back can not be less than 20. Crit damage the higher the better.
PS: to buy equipment capabilities, d3 gold and several properties at the same time equipment prices will inevitably Guards, reasonably equipped can spend less to achieve the desired properties. This BUILD, unless Tyrant, haste does not does not need to be too high, because with his wand. Attack speed between 1.5-2.
Landlord recommendations:
The crit chance gloves, wrist, jewelry, deputy heap.
Crit back to blue hat, deputies, weapons-election (conditional 3 has the best)
Crit damage is piling up the best weapons and jewelry.
(Hole or crit damage wand is the best choice because the weapons necessary wand)
BUILD: (the landlord currently used, can provide the basic ideas and Reference)
The Master Output skills, exclude the qualities skills (trait skills need a lot of fast, does not apply to the text of the build environment)
Perfect to enjoy the skills of crit is not much. Screening, the obvious draw, <a href="www.goldwto.com/runescape_gold.html">runescape gold</a> Arcane ball of light is the main output of skills. (Ray skills and BLZ only the first under can enjoy crit, pit father)
With good equipped with attributes the 20 rs gold situation Arcane ball of light can easily bursts of more than a dozen under the crit damage 10W (landlord crit damage bonus only 160, great room for improvement). Arcane ball of light large-scale, high-hard straight, with restrictions on other auxiliary skills can be the perfect place of BLZ basic kite.
The high damage output, 1 minute so that we can clean out most of the elite mob, which greatly enhance the efficiency of the FARM.
Other skill thoughts:
Survival skills, crystal armor and power armor status is temporarily no one can do for.
The snakes Guards output as a main output can not be questioned.
Other skills of choice. (Ice ring and blizzards are a good choice)
The landlord chose mask harm, to further enhance the output and effective defense against long-range offensive.
Flash avatar basic kite.
Passive skills:
The critical mass is this BUILD critical, although weakened, still can not be overlooked role.
High crit environment, blade and soul gold allowing Acrylic and auxiliary limit skills (cover, as ice ring) to reduce the part of the CD, the face of the elite strange ease.
The other two can be selected according to you own skills with change.
For example, wow gold if the kite is struggling with the flow of time to decelerate.
All in all, the first long-range career as an output. We have reason to believe that crit flow the Mage will replace Master Blizzard flow become the new mainstream purgatory.
المدير قام بتعطيل خاصية الكتابة للعموم (الغير مسجلين).
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